Reclaimed Hardwoods (Red Oak, Black Walnut, Ash) Bar

About this item
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The bar, built by Corey, is composed of various pieces of hardwood including Red Oak, Black Walnut, and Ash. This wood was harvested and milled by the late Charles Flaherty in Howell Michigan around the year 1980.

Category: Furniture
Tree/Wood Species: Mixed/Various
Harvest Year: 1980
Milled Year: 1980
Crafted Year: 2017
Harvest Location: Howell, MI

Origin of the Specific Mixed/Various Wood Used

Charles Flaherty was a WWII Army Air Corps veteran who flew 35 missions in a B-17 Bomber during the European theater of World War II. After returning from the war, he joined the Detroit Fire Department, where he served until his retirement as a Lieutenant in 1971. Later, he moved to Howell, Michigan, where he pursued many hobbies.

In the early 1980s, Charles harvested a variety of trees, including red and white oak, black walnut, and ash, which he had milled into one- and two-inch planks. He stored the lumber in several outbuildings on his property, intending to use it one day, but after more than 30 years, he never found the time.

Around 2015, Corey posted a Craigslist ad looking for firewood and was contacted by Mr. Flahertys son. Corey learned that Mr. Flaherty, living just a few miles away, was preparing to move to the Detroit area and needed to part with a large amount of lumber. While some of the wood had been affected by powder post beetles, it was discovered that most of it was in good condition. There was so much lumber that it took Corey several weekends to move it all.

During these visits, Corey spent more time talking with Mr. Flaherty than loading the wood. Mr. Flaherty shared stories of his WWII experiences and his fire department career, showing Corey many photos from his life. Inspired by these conversations and the lumber, Corey began working with the wood, creating various projects. Although he had dabbled in woodworking for years, this moment marked a turning point, inspiring him to take his craft to the next level.

John 3:16

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